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Top Quality Proxies, Unmatched Prices
Pricing Plans
Exceptional Support
Trusted by Giants
No credit card required
Experience Blazing Speeds with Our 34M+ Proxy Network: Guaranteeing 99.9% Uptime for All Your Projects!

Proxies for Every Requirement

Instantly access a network of over 2.5 million IPs, distributed across real networks. Enjoy unlimited usage on 5G, 4G, and 3G proxies, with speeds up to 100 Mbps.
Mobile Proxies
Choose the plan that suits you best. No usage? No problem—there are no monthly minimums, and your traffic never expires.
Residential proxies that don’t expire
Need assistance? We're available around the clock to support you with any issue—connect with us via live chat, email, or Discord!
24/7/365 Support
Gain immediate access to a network of over 2.5 million IPs, distributed across real networks. Enjoy unrestricted usage on 5G, 4G, and 3G proxies, with speeds up to 100 Mbps.
Exclusive Proxy Pool
Stay secure at lightning-fast speeds. Enjoy datacenter proxy speed with residential proxy anonymity, and a pay-as-you-go plan that charges you only for what you use.
Static Residential Proxies
Obtain precise data and maintain anonymity from anywhere in the world. Manage your IP changes without restrictions, contracts, or expiring traffic.
Rotating Residential Proxies
Access unlimited bandwidth with maximum performance. From scraping and streaming to software-driven monitoring—get high-speed reliability at a price that’s nice.
Datacenter Proxies
Benefits You Can Bank On
Fast and simple setup
Got a minute? That's all you need to set up your proxy servers.

Next, personalize your dashboard for easy management. Then integrate our IPs with your software, scrapers, and browsers for a seamless experience and uninterrupted service.
Value that lasts
Enjoy exceptional value. We're always growing our IP pools, providing 24/7 performance monitoring, and introducing new features and faster speeds—without any extra charges.
Built for your success
Your experience is our priority. Our extensive global proxy network ensures dependable connections and uninterrupted access to all the online resources you require.
All-in-one dashboard: intuitive, clear, effective
Set up your proxies, monitor data, automate orders, and more—our dashboard adapts to fit your needs.
The experts at Luxeproxy are always prepared to help you find the ideal solution for any requirement.
Working on the Unique Project?
No credit card required